January Theme B&W
Another fun meeting via ZOOM last night where we showed the submissions for the Jan theme B&W. Very good response with 44 photos from 15 members. As usual chose some of the best photos for Honourable mention and one photo for photo of the month.
and they are;
Llaesa North – Kingfisher – Sharp contrasty look at this bird
Roy Abbott – Downtown – the more you look at this the more depth it has parts of buildings everywhere presenting a collage that is downtown.
Joy Hayes – After the Apocalypse – How important is a name, here it is evocative. Fantastic shot of this crow, could be on a movie poster for the same name.
Diane Grenier – Teddy – who could not love this dog.
Lynne Kelman – Nostalgia – In my view the elements of a table top have to have connective value, this photo has that, mainly because of the intimate view of the tiny corner.
and the photo of the month goes to;
Brian Palmer – Flower Art – One of the best images I have had on themes. Just outstanding.
Thanks for everyone who logged in and for everyone who sent in the theme photos.
Mike Strong